Chance: Latitude / Longitude

What’s the relationship between the numbers we choose (that feel lucky) and the numbers drawn every week in the National Lottery – our six versus their six? How can this be expressed visually?

I had to crack this code. And then (as if by chance), I recalled that places are described by co-ordinates x°y’z” N, and a°b’c”E…

So our six numbers identifies one location and their six another. The proximity of the two locations to each other should represent how lucky we are! 

As well as making 59 pairs of panels that depict the numbers and locations, I have created a short ‘slide show’ of the first 59 draws using default Google images with a soundtrack from the nearest local radio station. The piece is called I dreamt I woke up and it was me and can be found in this section of the site.

To watch I dreamt I woke up and it was me, click here.